him. "In the night, sometimes," he says, "as much as I love Ralph, I find myself having an overpowering desire to choke him or beat him just because he is white, and it is whites that are doing these things to my people." Ralph, on the other hand, knew only that his friend's love-making had become more violent. In time, they talked it out, and apparently had resolved the problem, by expressing their feelings, and making it clear that there was no prejudice between them, and therefore should be no barriers to their love. However. from that time, Ralph, the white man in the duo, has been completely impotent whenever he has sought any active sexual activity. What used to be a mutual love affair has become completely one-sided, the Negro taking more and more a violent masculine role, his white friend finding only a passive feminine role possible. "I know," Ralph says, "that I am reacting to Ken's emotions. His words cannot reassure me, because what he feels is so overpowering, so destructive to my personality."

In the few short weeks in which I have been examining this question, I have only limited evidence at hand. But I do seem to find that the racial conflict in our country is breeding barriers in interracial love affairs. I would welcome letters to the contrary, contrary evidence from other sources. Certainly there are still Negro males who want white masters, and whites who have the psychological need to subjugate Negroes. The picture is not entirely one of Negro aggressiveness and white submission. But no one can deny that there is a rising tide of Negro aggressiveness, in every area including sex. What is the white reaction, and how do we explain it? I am leaving this article open-ended, in the hope that it will stimulate letters and reaction.

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